Ryan Houser



Teaching Assistant

Legal Analysis Writing and Research Skills, Rutgers Law School - Newark,Teaching Assistant
August 2022 – May 2023
  • Facilitated review sessions, taught legal writing, analysis, and research sessions and held office hours for law students. 
Biostatistics, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Educational Assistant             
August 2021 – December 2021 
  • Facilitated review sessions and held weekly office hours for graduate students. 
Organic Chemistry, Rutgers University – Newark, Teaching Assistant                                     
July 2021 – August 2021 
  • Facilitated review sessions, provided feedback on problem sets, and held weekly office hours for undergraduate students. 
General Chemistry Lab I & II, Rutgers University – Newark, Teaching Assistant/Head Teaching Assistant   
September 2019 – December 2021 
  • Oversaw laboratory experiments, ensured safety, and assisted with use of lab equipment. 
  • Improved students analytical skills by providing guidance during lab for 15 students each section. 
  • Provided logistical support for professor, helped with day-to-day training of all TAs (including giving demos for each experiment), handled logistics during lab (cleanup checklists, time reminders), worked as calculation TA last hour of lab and facilitated student concerns through up to 4 lab sections of 50 students each as Head TA for three semesters. 

Certified Instructor

Intro to Radiological Nuclear WMD Operations 
Incident Response to Terrorist Bombings 
Prevention and Response to Suicide Bombing Incidents 
Stop the Bleed 
Associate Trainer Program Member through Tactical Medical Solutions